Believe it or not, the 7-month-old baby became the youngest mayor in US history. William Charles McMillan ‘Charlie’ took oath as mayor of Grimes County in the southern state of Texas, Hundreds of people attended the oath-taking ceremony, who welcomed the newly-elected mayor.
At this prestigious event, the newly elected Mayor Charlie had wear traditional tuxedo and the participants in the hall clapped and greeted the new member. On this occasion, Charlie’s mother said that we have to move America back to ‘Make America Kind Again’ by adopting tolerance and patience.
She added “Whether you’re a Republican, a Democrat or an Independent, Charlie loves you the most.”as our President Donald Trump always repeats the slogan of America first. and like every year in the Whitehall Volunteer Department, Charlie will continue to serve his community as mayor until the end of his term.
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Do you want to be mayor some day ?
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If given chance as mayor what would be your first order ?
Interesting post, I just don’t know if this is true or is it a joke? I don’t want to be mayor.
I wouldn’t want to immerse myself in any political position but I won’t deny offered one. Ironical how people change once they get a governmental seat.
Yeah i agree , I would quote my personal quote, ” politician have got no faith “
That is true. Never trust a politician.
many places do honorary mayors. Mayor Charlie was awarded his one day in the sun based on a charity auction.
It raised money for a good cause!
that’s great , love you Charlie
Don’t know what to say. A Mayor has duties to perform……………..
This mayor will just need milk feeder
Silly if you ask me. And no one disallowed it
That is a strange idea which I do not understand.
many in world are also do not understand the idea of this mayor ship
I was smiling while I read this in the news today.
Yeah , and I was laughing …
The phrase “only in America” comes to mind! What a truly crazy country it is!
You are talking about my country. Every country has crazy ideas. This one is very silly but it doesn’t make our country crazy.
It is only one example out of many! I wonder what constitutes national craziness?
there must be logic behind such crazy thing , it may be crazy for one but for them it may be very valuable.
Yeah , I agree with Carol , every countries have really some crazy ideas and the list is very long.
I come from a country – the UK – that has many crazy things about it, including some weird and wonderful ceremonies and customs that go back for centuries. I will willingly admit that my country must appear to be decidedly odd when view from the outside, but it is far from being the only one of which this is true!
Yeah , some countries have set some different example according to their tradition. I may share the idea behind this mayor ship.
please note, this was an auction for “honorary” mayor. The auction is annual and raises money for charity. While certainly something fun, it is done in many countries.
Much like the Queen, there is no real power in this Mayor’s role.
Yes , people must understand this.