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A brief history of computer revolutions!

The modern computer age began with the computation machine of Charles Babbage and the mathematical processes of Aida Lovelace. From that beginning, we moved to a Machine called the Eniac. Erica was developed by IBM to help with several larger calculations required for moving troops and other activities during World War II. ENIAC was the size of most houses, and honestly slower than the cell phone you have in your hand or pocket. Slow, in the computation reality. Still faster than a human being, but slow in terms of what we expect from computers today. People always argue the next big leap occurred with the rise of cloud computing but I don’t think that.

The next change was the explosion of non-mainframe mail systems. Profs was a mainframe mail system that many companies used for internal mail. The rise of X.400 addressing made it possible for one company to send mail to another. The ARPA Net or what was later to be called DARPA Net was the first connected network to help people doing research and development for the various US government Department of Defence agencies. At the same time the MOD’s of Canada, the UK, many countries in the Societ Block of that time and so on were all building networks so that computers could talk to each other. This gave rise to the next big thing, IP or Internet protocol.

IP suddenly allowed multiple computers to exist on the same network. In the days of Token Ring networks, there was an absolute limit to the number of devices that could be on a Token Ring. One more joined, and one of the already connected computers was kicked off. It was called a beaconing ring. When too many devices were on the token ring. The rise of IP addressing, the rise of ethernet doomed Token Ring. Now computers could be unique on a network. In the late 1980s, the Swiss Research facility known as CERN created what I consider to be the 4th computing revolution. The scientists were looking for a way that a reach project could quickly connect with other projects and share information. At that point, it was called the HyperText Transfer Protocol. Using a computer program you could ask for Http and type in an address. A web page appeared. As more and more IP connected devices appeared, HTTP added the additional we now as WWW or world wide web.

More to come!

The first four Computer Revolutions

1.Computational Machines (Lovelace and Babbage)

2.Mainframes (Government and many others)

3.PC and Email

4.The World Wide Web

  • Question of

    Did you know Aida Lovelace was actually Lord Byron’s Daughter?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you remember the IBM PC Jr?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Have you ever seen a Kaypro Computer?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you remember the Sinclair Computer?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Have you ever seen a card based computer programming system?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

22 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Q: Did you know Aida Lovelace was actually Lord Byron’s Daughter?
    Yes (1 votes) – 11%
    No (8 votes) – 89%
    Q: Do you remember the IBM PC Jr?
    Yes (3 votes) – 30%
    No (7 votes) – 70%
    Q: Have you ever seen a Kaypro Computer?
    No (10 votes) – 100%
    Q: Do you remember the Sinclair Computer?
    Yes (3 votes) – 30%
    No (7 votes) – 70%
    Q: Have you ever seen a card-based computer programming system?
    Yes (7 votes) – 70%
    No (3 votes) – 30%

    • Kaypros were called computers for writers 🙂 That was their big selling point.

      The IBM PC Jr. was the first personal computer for public consumption (mass-market) but not the first computer.

      The Sinclair was a switch based computer that pre-dated the Apple and the IBM Jr.

  2. Thanks for the history of computer. I know little though I’m fascinated to learn more of its history. If I can remember well, the keyboards were huge it would take hours to type a few sentences. Is that true?
    I’m still amazed how computers, radios and smartphones work.

  3. Brought me back to my intro to computer days at university having to learn the languages Basic and Cobalt and standing in front of a huge computer from floor to ceiling going boop beep bop and feeding it cards to see if I got the results right. If that had continued I would not have been a fan of computers.

    • i started out in the card days, actually with a PDP 11 from DEC! The PDP 11 had a keyboard, didn’t require cards but you had to push the code to the mainframe, and then hope it was right.

      It took forever!

  4. I’m always fascinated by the development of the computer because in my mind I can’t comprehend how man could make such an amazing machine and scale it down to what we have today. I’ve seen the computers that fill a room.

    • Thanks – sometimes people forget that the computer and features of today, would replace most of the computers in the world in the 1940’s in terms of what they can do.

  5. All of this brings back memories of my Dad. I cannot remember everything about what he did but we would tag along on some of his service calls growing up when he worked for RCA. There were banks we would go in the computer room and I remember the machines filled the room and they were huge.
