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98% Of Your Content Readers Are Anonymous, Find Out What They Like

Some real specialists in the field of online marketing research have, since the COVID 19 quarantine, submitted a whitepaper covering site audience movement and have tested and submitted these estimated findings, they say, that on average, 98% of business website visitors stay anonymous.  And it’s an audience that cannot be ignored from a marketing standpoint. 

According to their findings, 57% of the purchase or buying into your next post, is complete, even before a customer ever contacts the business. Today’s buyers do a lot of research, privately, on their own, which means that those anonymous visitors may actually be quite far along with the buyer, or “loyal reader” journey, so, by the time a visitor actually makes contact with you, their decision to buy or buy into your next article is practically made. I have submitted this post on Virily, as the same rules apply to us content writers, ie. there are already many that read your content regularly but are doing so anonymously. 

 So how do you get the nameless 98% to disclose what it is that they like about your content? The answer is to woo the anonymous visitor with engaging, personalized site experiences. The paper, a short one, (8 pages long) lays out the whys and hows for engaging the largest audience on your website, (this 98%). I have included the paper below, a Pdf. here for the writers on Virily, who would appreciate a bird’s eye view into how you can write more of what they want to read.

Regards, Andre’aka Tranquilpen.

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  1. i’ve seen this report, it actually fits nicely into the concept of what can we do. Your post covers the points very well.

    Based on some of your recent posts (the abandoned hotel, when I replied to your comment had more than 500 views) where do you share your posts?

    since there are less than 100 active authors now, you must be driving a lot of external views?

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