
5 mouths to feed

It all started when Kittie and Lolly walked in but not before we lost of our beloved Preiti who had lost interest in welcoming ‘outsiders’

Lolly was a baby then.  Kittie produced Pinkie in our guest bedroom – just one kitten. Then came yet another her second – again just one who we have named her Peppy.  Pinkie could not wait and she delivered too – just one again who we have named Baby.  There you are 5 mouths to feed – Kittie, Lolly, Pinkie, Peppy and Baby.

The feeding ritual starts early in the morning soon as I am up.  They are fed with fresh fish. Later in the day they get the dried fish pellets and in the evening they are fed again milk and beaten rice.

And for all this we get to see their interesting activity but none let us touch them. 

  • How many pet cats do you have?

    • countles
    • five
    • four
    • three
    • two
    • one
    • none


What do you think?

10 Points

Written by grace