It is a simple well used decoration and it’s special here’s why.. (4/12)

As you can see it is just a little snowman decorated with looped papers.  What you can’t see is what is written on the inside of those papers. Every year at Thanksgiving we all write down the things we are thankful for and the things we love. And then we loop them and attach them to our snowman. On Christmas night, after everything has settled down we gather, take off the loops, read them and put them in our scrap book. We have a naked snowman until next Thanksgiving.

Is he the beautiful decoration? Well in our world he is and he’s much more than a decoration. He is a symbol of the things we love and what Christmas means to us. I am honored just to share him with you.

Written by Ghostwriter


    • Thanks, we think it is fun. It creates a little more gratitude for the season and we have years to read what we thought was so wonderful.

      One year the youngest was Thankful that he only had two hands because it would take forever to wash 5 of them!
