Processed Meat (9/20)

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There have been many recent studies that suggest you should avoid consuming processed meat altogether, whether you are dieting or not. One study actually linked long-term consumption of processed meat to weight gain so this is a big one to avoid with any diet.

This food is often found to be very high in calories and fat with little to no nutritional value to offer the consumer at all. It can also lead to other health problems such as high blood pressure, cancer, and heart disease.

Processed meats include items such as sausages, hot dogs, bacon, canned meat, salami, ham, and burgers. These products also contain additional ingredients that you need to be avoiding such as chemical preservatives, again, they offer no nutritional value to the consumer.

 Processed meats will also trick your body into thinking you’ve had a large meal full of protein and nutrients, however, your body will quickly realize this is not the case and will send hunger signals to the stomach and brain telling you to eat again.

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