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We will try to transfer, by means of the transfer of some images that we began to compile giving way to an electronic device (manual scanner), some concerns that have been raised about the city and its individuals.

On this occasion we approach the concept of the city, its individuals and the form that some of them have, to give visibility to their concerns or the challenges posed by life, leaving the formal circuits that these cities pose, to achieve their objectives. We will change the support and location of some images that belong to some de-terminated social layers, when looking for life in this consumer society.

Where we can observe or move through them to the history of life that some of these individuals tell us through their advertisements.It does not mean the same thing in the streetlights, its location could be said natural, that hung in an exhibition hall, a Bank or a church …We, on the other hand, only give a sentimental and aesthetic look to the merchandise through the advertising universe.

Written by NANO