House Staging Decor Challenge 2 (2/2)

The House Staging Challenge for my second avatar in the Wizard of Oz theme has a different décor. I received a higher score of 4.3/5.8, although it has the same cozy backyard style. One of her friends is hanging out with her, reading a good book and enjoying hot cacao with a vegan cookie. This second avatar is actually her half-sister by the Wizard and the Wicked Witch of the East in their youth. But, she, too, was too vain and arrogant to take care of a baby, and gave it up to the Wizard, who raised her and bought her a castle of her own, located in the Emerald City. She, too, adopted homeless pets. She has more friends, comprised of Global Elitists that work with her father on the New World Order agenda, because she grew up in the Emerald City.

Her half-sister’s name is Rachel because her mother, East Witch, was actually Zionist Jew, which is similar to her sister, West Witch, which is why they were so dark and evil, under the Illuminati power to control the world, or at least OZ. But Rachel was actually overprotected and over-sheltered in a private and exclusive community, raised by her nanny as her mother. Her best friend was the nanny’s daughter, Meghan, who is the girl in this snapshot. They have always lived together in the same household as sisters. When Rachel’s father gave her this castle, Rachel wanted Meghan to be her roommate. Meghan’s mother also lives with them, but she is now a retired nanny.

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