Choose the right Instagram filter (5/15)

List item

Your wedding photos are ready to be uploaded but you are wondering how your feed would look. Want your wedding images to pop and stand out on Instagram? It is very important to choose the right Instagram filter. Choose the right color palette, style, and theme for your wedding images that goes with the moment in the photo. The theme should match the ceremonies, décor, outfits, location etc. A mismatch of the moment and the filter could ruin the photograph. Don’t overdo or over edit them as it may lose the natural feel. Just get a little creative and use all your knowledge about Instagram filters to upload a praiseworthy click. 

Getting all of the above parameters  right isn’t as stressful as it seems. The top wedding photographers in India could capture some stunning Insta shots for you.  

Written by Subodh Bajpai

Best #weddingphotographer in #Delhi #Lucknow #Kanpur Subodh Bajpai Photography Experts in #photography #weddingphotography #photographers #weddingphotography