
Wander project on the water (wander to warm)…

It doesn’t matter how far you travel in the end the destination is home. Home is a relative term; it is sometimes said to be where the heart is, where your family is, where you want to be. Effectively it is the place you hang your coat, your hat, the place you stay. Home is an abstraction, and it is part of us. But there are parts of us that feel as if they are home, that isn’t the home we live in. For me that is water.

I love being on the water. While it is cold outside, I am continuing my wander to warm project. Only two more months of non-boating cold weather to go. From November to Mid-March the boat isn’t In the water so neither am I. Unless we decide to go somewhere warm for vacation in the winter (we didn’t think we went to Indiana, and it snowed. We had a white Christmas, but it didn’t meet the wander to warm criteria of well, being warm when we wandered there)!

From here to there, there and back again as JRR Tolkien said (the subtitle of the Red Book of WestMarch). There being where you wish to be, in this case as the temperature drops daily now from a high Sunday in the 60’s Fahrenheit, to this morning just barely into the 40’s and tonight dropping below that. Cold has again taken over the world. Now I wonder, does the world change when it is cold? Is there a frosty difference in the way things work when the cold is there? Will we ever know?


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!