
Wander project the Big Apple (New York City)!

New York City, The Big Apple. These pictures from above, the offices we had during the project we did in NYC. Over the years I did and had projects in many cities. Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, Bangalore, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, and many US cities as well. Each project was a fun team, and I now have friends all over the world. It helps to think globally. Plus I always have people to talk to about the world around them! I was working with a great team of folks in NYC. It was a tough project, and we ended up working late many nights. You can see the pictures begin to darken a bit as the day wears on, the lights in the buildings begin to sparkle.

NYC, like Washington DC, is a diverse city. You can find restaurants of every ilk and type. There are no barriers to food palates. I enjoyed that. The chance to go to a traditional NYC deli was incredible. I had, on a previous project had the chance to visit Broadway plays. By visit I mean sit in the audience and be amazing. I got to see some plays throughout my first NYC project. No plays during the second project, I guess by then I was suffering from been there, done that. But we did oft venture into the city to try different things. I love wandering Central Park. Not at night, I’ve heard tales of Central Park at night, but during the day it is an incredible place.

My first trips to NYC were before 9/11. I had brunch in the restaurant that used to sit atop one of the twin towers. I could stand at the window find myself looking down upon a city. The Sears Tower in Chicago and the Twin Towers in NYC were the goals when I arrived in both cities. I wanted to go to the top of both, to see the city from above. I was in NYC after 9/11 as well, but that was different. The Path train from New Jersey to NYC that we took to get from our customer’s location to the city ended up right in the bathtub. That bathtub created for large buildings to prevent flooding and issues with groundwater. When the twin towers fell, the bathtub was all that left in the end. Perhaps that is another story.

Without adieu, pictures of NYC from above…


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!