
Wander project Thanksgiving 2008, oops make that 2009

I realized after posting before that in fact the images shared today are from Thanksgiving 2009, not 2008. I have a few holes in my picture archive that I need to figure out. I suspect what I have is multi=event folders. Thanksgiving usually started with us watching the Macy’s parade in New York City. It is one of my favorite holiday things to do (I love parades. I have been fortunate enough to be in quite a few in my life, but I love watching them even more!)

After we watched the parade (and by we it was normally my wife and me, the parade didn’t excite the kids), we would pile into the whatever-van-we had then and headed down to Bloomington. When I was little, and we would head up to see my grandparents highway 37 from Bloomington to Indianapolis felt like it took forever. When we moved to Greenwood from Cincinnati that route started to feel shorter and shorter every year we lived there.

Funny how time and perspective changes.

We would sometimes have a Thanksgiving dinner for Friends the day after (Friday). That was more a family friends dinner. The family dinner was always on Thanksgiving, and for most of the years there were kids involved it was always at mom and dad’s house. There was one Thanksgiving where we wandered to Wisconsin for my grandparents 60th anniversary. That is the only Thanksgiving in the last 27 that my wife and I weren’t together on holiday (we were engaged, but she went to her family in Alabama, I went to Wisconsin with mine).


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!