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Wander project (no funny story) of giving candy away

Today’s pictures are of Halloween 1998. Our first and last Halloween in the house we built in Cincinnati Ohio. It was after the twin’s bedtime, so they are not engaged. They would be a little later when they found they got candy. My wife loves to dress up for Halloween. This particular year she decided to dress as the Cat-in-the-hat from Dr. Suess fame. That meant of course, that the twins had to be Thing 1 and Thing 1a. It isn’t Thing 2, because neither Thing thinks they are one or A. My job was to stay home and pass out candy to the neighborhood kids. The pictures are in the front vestibule of the house. Ok, it wasn’t a vestibule it just sounds better when you say it that way.

The Blues Clues outfit was of Blue Herself. My daughter loved that show. She had moved on from Barney at that point. The transition from Barney and Shining Time Station to Blue Clues had been about two years before that particular Halloween, but this was the year my daughter asked my mother to make her a Blue costume.

One of the things that always got us; this was the fourth place we had lived in Cincinnati was how much candy to buy. The goal was not to have a huge amount of candy leftover. The kids, with my wife walked around the neighborhood collecting loot. The end game was planning to be at zero or if we got lucky to use a little of the kids loot to pass out at the end of the evening.

Halloween in Cincinnati back in the day was in a much smaller neighborhood. We had lived in an older house first, and on Halloween, a lot of people came to our house. This time it was a much smaller neighborhood. We figured we would have enough candy and bought less. We were right, but we ended up only have thirty kids, far less than expected.

Of course, Gwen barked at every single kid that came to the house. I couldn’t put her outside, because the fence in the backyard allowed her to see the front yard and she would bark. I made her sit by the front door and do the one thing all dogs hate more than anything. I was giving food away to people without the opportunity for the dog to beg!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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