
Wander project Mexico (and text wandering far from Mexico…)

Ice cream is my kryptonite. I cannot abide having it in the house as I will eat it. It is the one food I cannot walk away from. I have tried over the years. I cannot. As I look at these images of the past, I am tempted right now to consider what are the things that I truly can’t live without.

My family is one of those things; I write about them all the time. They are critically important to me.

I would say at times they are my source of inspiration, and my source of aggravation, sometimes simultaneously.

The wander project started to honor the effort my kids put forth in fifth grade. Picking a location in Indiana and writing a report about it. The family history project began after the passing of my father in 2014.

I try to mix and mingle the images I take those of the past and those of yesterday. It is a balancing act that I am still working on. I realized the other day that I had gone on a snow palooza of posts, putting up 30 pictures or more of snow every day for a few days. That is why I am instead posting images of sand, beaches and the sun for a few days.

Beyond just posting family and beach pictures, I also enjoy sharing the moments and stories that make each of the images special to me. Not all of them, in many posts not any of them, are ever good pictures. They just have value for me. That is the value I am trying to share with my family history project.

The wander project today is text lost in translation, images from Mexico!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!