I have to say personally one of my favorite parts of boating season is that my wife and I get to hang out. We hang out at other times, but hanging out on the boat is just the two of us. Sometimes the dogs go, sometimes the twins go, sometimes our daughter goes, sometimes friends join us, but no matter what it is always us first. Other than riding the tandem bike it is our biggest couples activity. From wandering Annapolis at night to cruising the Chesapeake Bay looking for Dolphins, it is our time! I love boating; I grew up loving boating. From the time I was little, I was on the water. My father used to take friends and me out fishing on Lake Monroe in the family canon.
We would head out at 5 in the morning. Lake Monroe is roughly 40 minutes or so from Bloomington. We would wander down to Crooked Creek. Crooked Creek, Salt Creek, and one other creek make up the Lake Monroe Basin. Monroe being the former president that the county where Bloomington is it was named for. The lake, even though it touches three other counties, named for Monore County. We would the night before put the canoe on the top of the old blue station wagon. That was the family car from 1969 to 1977. I suspect my dad would have kept that car longer; he loved that station wagon. We would load the gear in the back, the canoe on top and take off.
Dad would take pictures while my friend and I would fish. It is one of my fondest memories of fishing. The other is or was fishing with my grandfather. My grandfather introduced me to the overall concept of fishing. Learning to read the water, understand where the fish were likely to be. What the fish like to eat and how to put the bait right in front of them. We never caught much in lake Monroe. More because of where we were fishing than anything else. But we always had fun. Fishing on Lake Ripely was something more successful. We, well my grandfather, knew where the fish were. He ran a resort, four cottages that were rented out to people. They would ask Grandpa and Grandma where the fish were. It was just good business to know!
When things were a little more simple.
yes! This place is a restaurant, and a hotel plus a marina!
Wasn’t it great when it was simple and all in one place!