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wander project meet Tech Oops Story…

The pictures today are from Malaysia. In particular from the area around the Petronas Towers.  The wander to funny story sadly also takes place in Malaysia. I was working as part of a project team for the State Oil Company of Malaysia (Petronas). The Petronas Oil company was based on one of the two Petronas towers, with the KLCC, or KL Mall in between the two towers. There was a beautiful park around the towers as well. Now, the Petronas towers house the Petronas Oil Company headquarters, and they had one of the towers devoted to their company. The then CEO of the Petronas Oil company was the previous prime minister of the country, Malaysia.

The tower had significant security to get into the buildings. Metal detectors at the base of both towers with security guards checking you for well anything. That morning during my second visit to the project team I arrived at the towers. With my computer bag in tow, I went through security and headed to the right tower (when facing the towers from the main entrance) and headed up to the 25th, or 28th floor (I don’t remember now it has been 14 years). Our companies office was on the floor. When I got there the PM for the project was in a basic.

“The country manager wants to see us and have us present where we are at 11 am.”

We had already built a slide deck, so I walked him through. He was a little calmer after that. So I thought let’s add caffeine to that jitter!

“Let us go get the team Starbucks,” I said. The PM smiled and nodded his head.

Back into the elevator down to the main level.

We went through security, and it was 8:30 am.  The Starbucks was in the KLCC (mall) through the vestibule and to the left tower.

We ordered ten coffees.

They had two of the carriers for drinks left.

The PM took the two holders with four drinks each.

I took the remaining coffees (2) and carried them.

We arrived at the security gate, and the PM put his coffees on the conveyor belt for the Xray machine.

The guard didn’t want my coffees to spill, so he had me walk through the detector holding the coffee.

There was a cable not taped down, and I managed to trip.

The lids of the two coffees popped because I squeezed them.

I had hot coffee all over me.

The guards laughed.

The PM laughed.

I walked back to the mall to the Armani store in the mall.

I asked, “I need a new shirt.”

The salesperson snicked.

(I was a lot heavier then than I am now)

“We don’t have your size.”

I presented to the country manager at 11 am soaked in coffee.


What do you think?

13 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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