
Wander project Australia!

One of the last days I was in Sydney the second time I had a free day. I had worked Friday all day and was flying out on Sunday. So Saturday I was left to my own devices. My co-workers and my friend had headed off to other places. My friend, who had many friends in Australia had headed over to spend the weekend with his friends. I was on my own. That meant a long walk with my camera.

The pictures that stand out for me from all those years ago are those of the Rolls Royce. It was one of the older models, sitting in front of a church, there was a wedding going on, and the bride and groom would ride to the reception in that vehicle. I took pictures of it, in part because you don’t often see Rolls Royce’s in Indiana. Now living in Maryland, I see one at least twice a month. But then, in Indiana the RR logo was rare.

The funny thing is that BMW owns the RR logo now, the Rolls Royce Company has an office in Indianapolis and a manufacturing plant. RR makes aircraft engines now, and no longer makes their signature cars. I was working with RR right before I went to Australia so I was well aware of who made the cars now. It didn’t stop me from staring at all of them. I saw three for the wedding that day. I am not sure I’ve ever seen three outside a museum at once in my life before that or after.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!