
Wander Project Air and Space Museum 2

The museum itself is easy to wander around in. I get lost in the NASA sections talking about the struggles to get beyond the well of gravity. But there are also displays focused on some of the great aviation stories of the past. The flight of Charles Lindbergh that changed the world. The flights of Amelia Earhart, who should change the world but didn’t until she tragically disappeared. The reality of equality isn’t that she disappeared, the tragedy is that she may have been the best pilot at the time she was flying, period.

To me the very air of the museum is alive. It is the path of Technology. From Orville and Wilbur Wright to the Blackbird. The struggles to get 100 feet off the ground to the reality of 70.000 feet and speeds beyond Mach 1. Add to that the building itself is amazing. The front-facing windows allow natural light to stream into the building. The floors are laid out in such a way as to encourage people to wander.

From pieces of Satellites that have returned to earth and capsules from the US space program, it is a fun day. Well, my vote makes it a two-day trip. Hit the downtown museum on the first day and wander the history of aviation in America. Then hop in the car and drive to the airport. There is a larger museum there where you can see actual planes. Including one of the Concord Supersonic jets, a space shuttle, and many other wonderful vacation treats. A two-day wander for you and your family that is beyond imagination!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!