
Love ItLove It

of the tokens we collect and when not careful the tokens we lose

Seeking tokens to exchange, we find ourselves missing too much. Let the angry tokens go. They bind us to things that are no longer. To things that have not, do not exist outside of who and what we are. Remember and rejoice in the tools you find along the way. Each time we examine the tokens around us seeking meaning. Seeking to grow as people.

Anger is the token we most fear. Some carry their angry tokens with them year after year. They lock them in a room they built in their heart, and slowly over time, the room is filled. The tokens of anger pushing against the door, against the walls until they burst back out into the wild, and we have to stop. We cannot catch them again with butterfly nets.

We must let them go. Each token must be released to freely return to the moment from which it came, the anger dissipating until it is no more. Some tokens are not angry. They are the ones we must be careful of.  We keep them close as they represent a moment we cherish. But we must always be vigilant that we do not let those happier weigh us down as well.

Each token must be recalled and then released into the wild so as not to create chains. So as not to weigh us down to where all we do is wander this earth, bound to the tokens, we could not let go of — limited by our pain. Letting go makes us stronger. You see, in the end, we are more than simply a collection of tokens. Let those go to be free!

my daughter and her dog


What do you think?

22 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  1. I thought this was you writing it when I started to read this one. I was right when I saw it was from you. I got the feeling this was yours after I read the one before that you wrote. I am not always on this site for very long. That was interesting how you did that with the tokens. Some people may carry anger around with them because they could be frustrated and have had hard blows in their life and the blows may have continued so it may be hard for them to let go of it. Some may have the anger because they are frustrated with their situations and may not have a solution to them.

  2. How beautiful memories. I totally agree with you. I used to collect angry tokens in the past and unfortunately it didn’t do any good. Now I’m trying to destroy all the angry tokens right away. Sometimes it succeeds, sometimes it doesn’t.


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