
The First Color X RAY Machine of Human History

New Zealand Scientists have acquired colorful X-ray for the first time in human history through new technology. Center for European Nuclear Research), the largest organization of nuclear research Atomic Lab, which supports photographic technology, has revealed, that New Zealand scientists have created colorful X-ray for the first time in human history, However, the latest microchip was provided by CERN.

Scientists have used such technology for colorful episodes, which promises to improve the field of medical diagnosis, While this new technology has been commercialized by the New Zealand company ‘Marc Bio-imaging’ Which is assisted by Canterbury University of England and the University Otago , New Zealand.

This technology of CERN has been named as ‘Dubbed Medi Pics’ which works exactly like a camera, Now It is because the body is light and somewhat darker due to the thickness and thickness of the flesh and the bones.The data obtained by technology than (X-ray) data changes in seven colors of the spectral data.

Later, an algorithm (software) displays a bone or bone risor in the colorful 3-D picture, depending on this data. It is just look like  if an artist has developed a statue in front of the body inside the body. Although the traditional tool also uses black and white X-ray in this process, But that technology has been used to identify particles to make it colorful. which is use in world biggest atomic shape machine CERN

The new technology of Color X-ray can be a better and clean image than before, which will facilitate the doctor to diagnose diseases and it will help him with the correct diagnosis of the disease.

Canterbury University’s developer Phil Butler believes that the new image device of this machine can also take photos with the help of small pixels and correct resolution, which no any other image device of the world can  obtained.

According to the Center for European Nuclear Research, these images not only make the difference between bones, muscles, cartridge (for example, soft bone). Instead, through this machine Cancer fibroid and its size can be accurately estimated.


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        • It is briefly explain in the article – The data obtained by technology than (X-ray) data changes in seven colors of the spectral data.

          Later, an algorithm (software) displays a bone or bone risor in the colorful 3-D picture, depending on this data. It is just look like if an artist has developed a statue in front of the body inside the body. Although the traditional tool also uses black and white X-ray in this process, But that technology has been used to identify particles to make it colorful. which is use in world biggest atomic shape machine CERN
