
My review of the Keecker, First homepod!

As promised my review of The Keecker.

First off Keecker is a multi-media device. It is also a robot and a remotely operated vehicle. A silo buster you could call it. I first got excited about the potential that could be a homepod (Keecker calls itself a home pod) more than three years ago. The concept was simple, interact with Keecker and the things you love of media. What is on your device, and what is on Keecker. Unlike many projectors either home, office or portable, however, Keecker can roll to where you are. Come to me Keecker I need you, would be my preferred method of calling Keecker, but like Alexa, Cortana and Google Home you have to utter the name first (Hey Keecker) before Keecker will respond.

(This image comes from Keecker’s front facing camera).

Now, unlike the iRobot system, Keecker has a less flexible mechanic movement system, iRobots Roomba device isn’t always bothered by bumps on the floor. It is bothered by heat/AC grates and getting stuck. But Roomba overall isn’t bothered as much by differences in floors. Keecker struggles with floor bumps. In particular, Treebread (the same we choose for our Keecker) struggles with the decorative bump between the tile floor of our living room and the craft room/dining room area where Keecker lives. Keecker also doesn’t move very quickly. That isn’t an issue overall just something to note. The Keecker Software like the Jibo and other robotic software is only a 1.0 release; more is coming.

The ease of adding Keecker to my google account was impressive.

The ease of using the device once you are connected to it is also extremely impressive.

The ability to change the height of the protector is really useful. Not all rooms have empty wall space at the same height or level. Being able to project up to the ceiling, or lower on the wall is an amazing value. Being able to roll your device to where you are, extremely useful! Oh yeah did I mention that Keecker comes with Netflix preinstalled? He or she does.

Overall I give this 1.0 Homepod production 8 out of 10.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!