
Interesting Day…Interesting Break…

Saturday, June 9, 2018

I woke up at 10 am to eat my breakfast. I tried to turn my TV, but it wouldn’t come on. I immediately felt that the TV box needed to be reset again because it is always a Cox issue. The number on the box wasn’t even the correct time. I think it had “7:08”. After eating my breakfast, I called Cox, and the first person I chatted with told me I needed to make an appointment for someone to come to my place and work on the wiring. So, I told her that I needed to discuss it with someone else first, and I hung up. Five minutes later, I called Cox again so I can get someone different, and I told this girl that my TV won’t start because the box needed to be reset. So, I unplugged the power from the box for a couple of seconds, and plugged it back in. Then, the numbers on the box started to change. Suddenly, it had the correct time on the box, and I changed the channel and noticed it was working again.

At 1 pm, I met a friend of the family at Nordstrom Rak. I needed to get something from her, and she needed to buy something with her nephew. We hung out at the mall, mostly at Nordstrom Rak and Saks Fifth Avenue Off Fifth and Marshalls, in which I haven’t been to in a long time. I used to shop there a lot during my 20s and 30s. I noticed that Nordstrom Rak has grown as well as it looks like it has been remodeled to hold more merchandise. I noticed the Saks Fifth Avenue Off Fifth has cool stuff, and I noticed this keyboard cover right away. I needed one badly because my keyboard is always getting dirty, filled with small particles and crumbs. It fits my keyboard perfectly, except for the top white layer and bottom black layer. The four gray-shade rows are a perfect fit. And, I am currently using it right now, as I type this post. Of course, I cleaned my keyboard first, with this Compressed Gas Duster and thin red straw, before wiping the keyboard with a cloth for computers. I find needed stuff when I am not looking for it or even looking for anything to buy.

Then, I walked inside the mall, and I noticed it is very active today. Tiffanys & Co. is doing promotional work for its paper flower cutouts, and there is a huge Tiffanys style greenhouse structure in the mall courtyard, surrounding with white flower-shaped paper cutouts. I went inside Tiffanys store to browse, mostly for their eyeglasses to check out new styles, but I only noticed sunglasses. They were nice, too. I browsed inside Macys, Nordstrom, and the mall hallways, before I decided to go home. The weather this week is hot because it is starting to feel like summertime already.


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