
How Writing Sites Destroy Themselves – 62

How it is Done

A site was created and the Owner enlisted five friends he knew online.

They would all create ‘duals’  and each would submit as much stuff as they could in the next twenty four hours. Because there was a time limit, they  plagiarised really good stuff from other sites.

They loaded the site with stuff, and it seemed there were over 100 users, the  day the site was opened to the public.  The Shills ran from Hubpages to Triond to Xomba to every breed of message board and forum touting the site.

The five friends  posted how the site pays more than any other site, how the stuff is high quality, and were paid for every user brought in.

As new writers came on, the plagiarised stuff was replaced by their work until it was all gone. The Shills and Owners continued to publish in their duals so as to be pushed to the top writer category.

The Owner and Shills were always published so would earn the most,  where the other writers faced a delay so as to keep down their earnings.  They were told every article was moderated.

As time passed, as the site couldn’t pay as promised, many writers began to complain about the long delays.

Unfortunately,  many complained to a ‘fellow user’ , having no idea that this was not a fellow user but one of the shills and were attacked.

When they responded, they were dropped from the site, but their work was confiscated.

The earnings made by their articles was used to pay others.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar