
How Writing Sites Destroy Themselves – 56

Many so called writing sites do not grasp that getting a population to read articles brings views. A lot of views.  That people who don’t write might want to read an interesting article about some topic.

The average person is not going to join a site to read something that might of turned up on a Google, or been posted on Facebook.

The average person likes to read interesting articles, hence, putting interesting articles on the Front Page of a site will get the readers.   Allowing whatever was published last to be there, won’t.

It is  very simple, if a writing site doesn’t realise that its earnings are based on Readers, then it will be a private club where those who belong will glance at other’s articles and the earnings will be limited.

If a writing site realises that getting ‘hot’ topics and promoting them will bring in dozens or hundreds of viewers, then earnings increase.

Many writing sites are operating wall paper for ads, it is no wonder they fail.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar