
Finding your way in new technology markets…

There are many things I have chased for many years. Technologies that I thought would be well, better than the ended up being. I spent some years chasing the projection laser keyboard. I finally found one that works well, but that quest took many more years than it should have taken. There are some other things that I have chased. 3d printers and 3d scanners are technologies I’ve chased until I found the answer to my issues. Sometimes when you chase new tech, you have to realize you are going to fail overall. Failure isn’t a bad thing. Everyone on earth fails at least once in their life, or in my case I often fail once a day. Failure is something we all have to consider and prepare for, period!

I seek technologies for two specific personals and some professional requirements. For me, it is comfort and time. Comfort, when it comes to technologies are technologies that help me feel better. Nice speakers connected to the music I love would be an example of comfort technologies. The other thing I seek from technology in my personal life is saving time. I understand that if it takes me a little time to learn a device, but over time I will save time that’s ok.  Time is one thing we never have enough of. Those are my primary personal drivers for the technologies I consider. I do at times also evaluate the impact of technology on the world around me, but that is less critical for me than the first two, Comfort and time.

Professionally, however, I have to consider a few other things, and the impact of technologies becomes more critical. I often argue the importance of markets when considering technologies professionally. That’s why I number of crowdfunding campaigns have reached out to me, helping them make a reality TAM (TAM is Total Addressable Market). The reality of markets is this, potential vs. real. If the market for technology is 1 dollar, you as a company will be able to control less than a dollar. Where that dollar has multiple slices what you are aiming for is initial control of more than 60% of the market. That sadly has nothing to do (in many cases) with your tech and more with your market plan). Controlling more than 60% can get you in trouble with the various global governments (monopoly) controlling less than 50% is ok as well, but then more critically what is the size of the overall market. The reality of technology for me is often the overall reality of the potential market the technology impacts.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Interesting I wouldn’t call myself an expert, I do what I do on computers out of necessity. I think the key here is know how computers and machines are created and made. Being able to create something and engineer it yourself, Sad so many people think they are experts but never actually know how its made.

    • True! The reality of what is the “modern” almost nearly information age is that it was built by people heading towards an information age. Markets, aren’t always defined by great technology, sometimes, it is just the best “advertising.” I always tell people starting crowdfunding campaigns to listen. There is value is what those who went before have to say.