Abstract cyberspace computer digital background with digital falling lines, binary hanging chain

Cyber Tips – Privacy – 3

When we were on BBS, we knew each other, we met for coffee and pizza, were at each others weddings, etc.

When we got on the World Wide Web, we’d be talking to people from far away places, and although we’d like to share, we were a little hesitant to say too much.

This is because during the hacking attack in the early 1990s, we’d been a bit deceived by the schoolers.  If we could believe Mr. King was some businessman but was really a high school student, how much easier would it be for someone in another country to deceive us?

So, we were a bit reticent.  

We would say ‘Jamaica’ but not be too specific with a city or town.  We wouldn’t be open in our bios saying; “Attorney at Law in Private practice”  instead we’d post, “addicted Trade War player.”

This was wise, for who would try to rip off someone who sounded like they were picking up bottles to buy lunch?


What do you think?

Written by jaylar


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