
Cool Tech Review of Kestrel Handheld Weather Stations…

I am a professed weather gadget lover. I have several weather devices that are portable and the two I’ve talked about many times NetATMO and Blonsky. Bloomsky is the system that has a built-in time-lapse camera that allows you to share a time-lapse video of the sky above your house. But today I wanted to talk about portable weather hardware. There are standards for weather systems, plus there are things you have to know about. Wind, wind gust, temperature and wind direction are all critical for boaters and for those who walk outside. You also want to have an alarm system that notifies you when the barometric pressure changes rapidly.

The barometric pressure that rises fast can be dangerous. Rapidly dropping barometric pressure can be dangerous as well. The concept, however, of the various handheld weather systems is can you get the data you need easily. That is why I use the Kestrel Handheld weather station. The advertising on the Kestrel website is that it is the most powerful portable weather station. I’ve had one for more than ten years. I find I use it a lot more now, boating on the Bay than I ever had before. They, Kestrel, are a solid company. First off you can reach out to them, and they respond. It won’t be the exact minute you post your questions, but I have asked them questions four or five times in the past couple of years, and they always get back to you in around 24 hours.

The New version of the link software is solid. You can quickly connect your weather station to your phone to store data. That gives you the ability to graph and set-up warnings. I also like the fact that the system includes both wind speed and a wind direction system that are separate. You don’t have to spend a lot of time figuring out how the two work. It is straightforward. The LCD panel on the Kestrel is nice as well, offering the ability to see the information in bright daylight or the darkness. Overall these devices are for people that are outside all the time, people who boat or people that just like knowing what is going on weather wise where they are. I highly recommend the Kestrel Weather Stations (Handheld) and give them a 10 out of 10!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. To my mind, the possibility to see the information about weather in the darkness is very important for people with night shift work. Very interesting post, thank you so much for it!
