It has happened to you.
You come to speak to someone. Could be important. Their cell phone rings. They instantly grab it and answer. You could be mid word, doesn’t matter. They begin to talk.
They don’t do the “can you call me back?”
They plunge into the conversation which, from what you can hear is casual and unimportant.

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
You wait a moment, and see them wallowing in this, “Oh, so what did you wear?” or, “I was thinking of buying strawberries…”
And since you have a life, you get up and leave. They don’t notice.
Yes, before cell phones one did encounter people who became blind when they had a phone to their heads, but today, the absolute control of cell phones over the population makes every scenario of ‘mind control’ second best.
I have stood, in complete stun when one of these babblethons overrides, overwhelms everything.
This could be a vital meeting, this could be a very rare visit from another, the data could be crucial, but the person to whom one wishes to communicate is so into the meaningless conversation that has been prompted by the caller, they can not extract themselves.

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
The ability to own and operate another person via cell phone is long proven. There are few people in this world who can extract themselves. Few people who appreciate the person in front of them is more important than the caller on the phone.
I am not talking about important calls, no. I am talking about where Florence sits down, and has nothing to do, so calls Sharon, and Sharon is now her puppet for as long as she feels to babble.
If this isn’t mind control….
Most people are not like you. I am amazed by the inability of people on the phone to see those in front of them.
This is a big problem, because when I was working in a business, I had to answer the phone before the third ring. But now when I see who is calling and I am busy, I will only call back when I am free. All my friends know this. It took a while to train them!