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What is the Golden Hour?

One of the earliest advice that photographers receive is to take pictures during the sunrise or sunset hours. This time every morning and evening, when the sun is low in the sky, is called the “golden hour” because it has a soft golden light that is flattering for most topics and is easy to work with. While the sun is below the horizon, the light gets blue and leaves enough time to work is called “the blue hour”.

During sunrise and sunset, the dynamic range of most scenes is narrower than in the other times. This means your camera is more likely to be able to capture both highlight and shadow details in a single frame. The total reduction in light levels keeps the accents under control, while the low angle does not create the harsh, dark shadows characteristic of direct sunlight.

I suggest four of my photos on the subject. I hope photographers are taught something new and useful.

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Written by lacho59


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