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The capricious “Lady”

Hikicus Chinese – / H. Rosa-sinensis / grows in East Asia and the islands in the Pacific Ocean. This is our well-known and loved Chinese rose. It is considered as a national flower of Malaysia. Its five petals symbolize the five orders of Islam. Not only Muslims in the country, but also the Gentiles, the Chinese, and the Indians. Pricing for its beautiful colors, unpretentious, rapid growth. Over time it becomes a large bush with a lush crown and is very suitable for shaping spacious rooms, winter gardens, offices. Its leaves are dark green, brilliant, elongated, with jagged edges, up to 15 cm long. Its flowers are large from 9 to 12 Inch in diameter, paved, simple and crusty. Their color can be white to yellow, deep pink to dark red. Blooms in the summer for several months.

Chinese rose is not a very capricious plant, but it also has its peculiarities. It has the most abundant and long-lasting blooms and develops when it receives bright light, warmth, moderate air humidity and steadily damp soil. However, it does not tolerate direct direct sunlight and current.


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Written by lacho59


  1. Buen post con variaciones lúdicas de la flor. Sería agradable si alguien compró el espacio en una cartelera y puso solamente una flor gigante allí. Saludos