
Learn from Nature ~ Lessons from Geese

The last few weeks the geese have been gathering in the pasture and flying about 12 miles away to the other lake, in formation and flying back to the pasture. In my mind that are practicing for their longer flight to migrate. It just makes sense to me.

There is certainly a lot we can learn from geese. They honk with enthusiam. They are communicating. Things work so much better when we can communicate. 

Geese fly in formation because everyone benefits. It is easier to fly that way it creates lift. The leader or one at point has the hardest flight, that is why they trade positons. Great leadership can be provided by the one that is rested and can take on the challenge. If one of the flock is hurt another stays behind with them until they heal.

If you were creating a team for work, would any of this information be helpful?


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter