
Love ItLove It

Jemima's Tale

When we first came to our new abode in Bucklands beach I feed the birds and not many birds visited us, although we had a few sparrows coming..Now we have Pukakos, Ducks and other birds..

Yesterday, there was a huge row on the lawn, the Pukako did not know what hit him and screamed loudly by a Duck yelling and half flying after him..The Pukakos were pursuing Jemima’s ducklings…

The thumbnail is our Jemima sitting on all of her 12 Ducklings..

#5 Close up of 2 of Jemima’s Ducklings

These are growing fast, they are photographed on 30th August and are bigger than they were on the 29th August..


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12 Points

Written by Pamela Moresby


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  1. Very cute pictures of ducklings and their awesome protective mother. Is the father still around? We used to have a couple of ducks visiting us every spring and they even knocked on our backdoor with their beaks to get some corn… The last year we saw them, the proud mother was followed by some 10 ducklings with the father not far away… I have not seen them in the last 2 years. I just hope they are OK…

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