
5 Interesting Facts About Planet Earth pt. 1

We learnt a bit about planet earth in Social Studies in middle school but there are so many things to know about this planet and you dont have to be an astronaut or meterologist to be curious about these facts. It is always good to know and want to learn more so here are some facts about our beautiful, intriguing planet;

  • Asia is the largest and most populous continent on the planet, covering almost 30% land space and over 60% of the world’s population.
  • The continent of Antartica contains 90% of the world’s ice and thereby contains 70% of the world’s fresh water.
  • Canada has more lakes than any other country in fact it has more lakes than all other countries combined.
  • The country Libya is mostly covered by desert, up to 90% of the land there is completely desert.
  • The continents are drifting, a phenomenon known as continental drift where the Americas are drifting away from Europe and Africa by a couple inches every year.

Knowledge is power, the more you know, the better, stay tuned for more learning content.


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Written by valenciaiglesia

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