
Yesterday • The Beatles • Original • 1965 – Accoutabilty Jan 28


So these were my options yesterday.

~ Drink 10 glasses of water

~ Drink 3 cups of tea

~ 10,000 step

~ Breathing exercise 3 sets of two

~ Work my scheduled 13 hour shift

~ Do something kind for my husband

Here are the funky things I did. I did at least 2 sets of breathing exercises. The last set I am not sure I got done. I was doing it in bed and I may have fallen asleep as I was doing them. I can’t quite remember.

I did something nice for my husband, I made him his favorite dinner and I ordered him a new pair of boots.

I did get my water and my tea down. I got the steps completed and I worked my entire shift. So think I am good to go on that.

I hope your day was successful


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter