
Love ItLove It

What an Interesting Morning!

There was a text message on my phone from a local phone number that I don’t recognize. I don’t spend a lot of time with local people that I don’t know well. Everyone that I have given my phone number is programed into my phone.

It simply read, I think you should listen to this song. As you all know, I am not opposed to music. I love it. So without hesitation, I looked up the song to play it from another source (assuming that opening it on my phone could become an issue, and simply deleted the text.)

This is the song that someone thought I needed to hear this morning.

I am not offended. I am more intrigued than anything. Although not enough to seek out the person who sent it. I am assuming is was simply miscalled.  I am going to listen to some  other music by this artist because I am curious about his work now. Perhaps that was the purpose.

If nothing else it made my morning a little more interesting.


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter