If you want to practice your writing or photographic skills, and you are not yet signed up with VIRILY.COM, I am pleased to provide this link, to get you started. And, did I mention the really cool part? You will get paid for every bit of interaction with the Virily writer’s community. So, don’t waste another moment, you have nothing to lose. The sooner you start the quicker you can start earning and gaining exposure as a writer, hobbyist or photographer.
CLICK HERE to signup.
I like your you tube channel set up I’m thinking about getting me anther one set up
being I already have 1 but it has a little bit of everything on it, I want one with just my
crafts on it & set up a little differently.
That is brilliant! Go onto You Tube and type in best crafts videos. and choose a theme that catches your eye instantly. and see how you can improve on their idea, then BAM!! your’e the best on YT. I’m sharing a really great tip later today about a free tool to boost your video efforts. Thanks for watching and commenting. Just give me a shout I can help in any way EM20161
I have a new you tube channel I set up at the wee hrs this morn while I had the
peace & quite time to think it through more than I did my 1st one but for SOME
reason I I can’t seem to get a profile photon there all I have is a brown circle with
a S in it how can I get that done I done look everywhere I can think of & can’t
seem to get it.
Hello EM20161, Remember, that your profile picture or avatar s also linked to your Google+ account. Just mouse over your existing image on Your channel (brown circle) there is a little pencil that comes up, click on it and a screen from Google will popup, you must change this too.
that’s what I did but it’s not working, but it’s o.k I’ll figure it out
somewhere along the line I’m just getting up it’s just 8 am here.
I know I already commented on here but I got to thinking
when you go to get paid how do you know when you got
paid? or when others got paid? I know on mylot
they have a $ mylot $ sign they send everyone to let us know.
Yo receive proper notification, about how much is being paid and for what dates.
say WHAT? what do you mean for what dates?
that makes no sense why not just give some kind
tab you can hit that has all the info on it?
they could have like $Virily$ to let people know it’s
payday like mylot does that seems SO much better.
Virily does it like MyLot only, I find Viriky gives more details.
OH o.k whew I didn’t know what you were saying there
I was like huh? ha ha ha thank you.
I am new to this site. But I have been with site like this before. And I am currently with one I love called MyLot. I am hoping this site sticks around and proves itself.
I just started on this site so I’m wondering about on here just trying to learn
how all this works so I can really sink myself into it like I have in another site I’m on
that I really do enjoy being on, I wish there was more videos about this site as in
how it works, what it’s all about & everything there is that other people would
like to know about it. so far I haven’t found or seen any till this one, thanks.
There are several videos on my You Tube channel. If you subscribe, you will get notified every time a new Virily.com tutorial is published you can check out my site here: http://bit.ly/2EBjnbG