
Trump Anxiety ~ Give Me a Break!

If you are going to create a syndrome or an actual term that requires medical or psychological help the least you could do is be specific. Yes, they have listed Trump Anxiety and Trump Syndrome as issues any person can “have”.

If you are going to define and blame your problems and anxiety on one person the least you could do is make it be accurate. You weren’t afraid when he was Trump. You became ill when he became President Trump. So if you must name the disorder at least add President to it.

Let’s talk about “the wall” for a moment. Here is the solution. Give the boarder security people whatever they need and ask President Trump to kindly open the government and give matching funds to a pet project of Chuck and Nancy. EVERYONE wins. 

This whole thing has turned into a fight on the playground. I volunteer to be the play ground supervisor and make a ruling. I wouldn’t even charge the government for my services. Congress just plays games anyway.

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Written by Ghostwriter

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