
The Title Alone

A friend recommended that I read an article and share some thoughts about it. He started out with the title is “Naming and Shaming” and I stopped him right there.” Are we really to the point that we think naming and shaming does any good for anyone?”

“Yes, shaming works.”

“Well, I guess if it works for you, then carry on. I want nothing to do with it. I am afraid I would get caught up in the game.”

“But this is important.”

“Well if you can talk to me about the facts without shaming anyone I would be happy to have a discussion. To start straight out saying “I am here to name and shame” doesn’t work with my core values.  I have a rough enough time just keep myself on track.”

He hung up on me.

I guess I am alright with that. It must not have been that important.


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter

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