
The Killing of Me – part 17

I stood on the pavement, outside of the restaurant, grabbing for things to say, something to make Kelly know that I loved him, that our relationship wasn’t over.

Then I saw Kelly’s eyes warm, but he wasn’t looking at me. For up came Tammy.

Tammy, the girl he used to love, the girl he was engaged to before there was a Kelly and Eve.

Tammy came up,  put an arm around his waist, kissed his cheek, turned to me….”Oh, hi, you are… Ava? Isn’t it?”

“Eve,” I barked.

“Oh, you transferred here too?”  Tammy asked.

“No,”  Kelly said hard and flat,“ she was congratulating me on the promotion, she just happened to  be visiting in the city.”

“Oh…” Tammy said, then, “Kel, I wanted to ask you if you think we should go to Margeret’s  Party…?”

“Let’s discuss it over lunch,”  he said putting his arm around her. He turned to me, “Nice seeing you,   give my regards to the folks at the office…” and turned his back.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar