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Teenagers sent back to Africa as knife crimes surge in UK


Knife crimes have been increasing over the past couple of years in the United Kingdom.  However, UK authorities have done very little to stop people from stabbing each other because the majority of the victims are Black teenagers.  The situation is so dire in the UK that parents are sending their children back to Africa because living in Africa is now safer for a teenager than to live in the UK.


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Written by ahol888

Coolest dwarf in the world. Expert on the topic of mediocrity.


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    • You would think there would be zero tolerance, but as was stated in the post, a majority of the victims are Black teenagers. The story did not gain publicity until the crimes began to affect people of other races living in the city. This type of inaction is parallel with the murders in Chicago. The city of Chicago does not act until there is a shooting in downtown Chicago near the Magnificent Mile.

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