
Senator Flake,

Senator Flake,

I think the picture of the two women who appeared to be cornering you, screaming at you and berating you gave you cause to change your vote. 

The truth of the matter is women scream that they want equality, but then say we should simply be believed because of gender. Men and women both tell untruths. Enough is enough. I don’t know if you were bullied into changing your mind and still it sure did look that way when you were cornered in an elevator.

You made a strong statement and then backed down. Sadly that is how I will remember your legacy. I know it really doesn’t matter to you how I remember you.

For the first time in my long life I am ashamed by my gender a a whole. I didn’t think it could get worse than the marches, and still cornering someone in an elevator and screaming is embarrassing. I ashamed I am woman. I am ashamed of congress. I am ashamed of the media. My husband was drafted and it took over 30 years to sort of recover from the PSTD, and this is the reward.  A country where it is acceptable to tell men to step up and shut up. It’s a very sad time for everyone. I don’t know that it will ever be right again.

I am sorry you were cornered. I am sorry you were screamed at. I am sorry you went back on your word. I am actually sorry I had to witness any of this.


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. I’d like to believe that the American people are giving the Senator Flake the benefit of the doubt. He will come around. He will, from the bottom of his heart, will do the right thing. He will release himself from the perfect people from the other side, the Dems, and will decide the ethical and moral choice.

    • I would like to believe a lot of things and still my faith in the system and integrity of our congress members is done. I think it is all about personal gain and money.

    • Not sure what he has heard of. I suppose there were not many options. What can a man really do when they are backing in a corner by screaming women? It was a no- win situation. I am disappointed and yet I understand the corner in which he found himself.

        • Well no matter how many he looked pretty shamed in the corner of the elevator to me. Now it comes out that the women were paid to do it with cameras ready. So they are just puppets he fell for the puppet show.

          • In the words of former pro wrestler Ted DiBiase “Everybody has a price for the Million Dollar Man.” when he was employed by the World Wrestling Federation (now Entertainment).