
Pursue TRUE Wealth

Research shows that social connections are good for us and that loneliness kills. An influential Harvard study found that more socially-connected people were healthier and lived longer. But true relationships are more than the number of friends and likes we have on social media. In true relationships, we are both fully known and fully loved.

Poverty = Broken RelationshipsThe world defines poverty as a lack of money. Is a wealthy man who is separated from his family due to overwork truly rich? By redefining poverty as broken relationships with self, others, creation and with the Creator, we realize that all of us are poor. The good news is that everyone has the capacity to pursue TRUE wealth by actively establishing high trust relationships.

Trust is the glue that binds us together.

Building and maintaining rich relationships is hard work. It requires us to meet, encourage, know, listen and empathize (MEKLE) with others. Relationships require proactive investment. It is impossible to fully know or fully love without spending time with one another. We must encourage one another in good times and bad. We must seek to understand and appreciate one another’s unique composition. We must actively listen to each other and empathize with one another’s burdens and joys. Building relationships with imperfect people is complicated but we recognize that we are all better together than alone.


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Written by prajun

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