
Premium Tropical Syrups (review)

I had tried the coconut in my coffee this morning and it was amazing. It mixes well in coffee and was not overly sweet. I used only a spoonful of it in my coffee. That is really all you need to get a good flavor going. Then my son wanted to try some on his pancakes this morning. He put the regular maple syrup on first then added a few drops here and there on his pancakes. He really though they all had a good taste and really liked trying them out.

My husband wanted ice cream last night and I asked if he wanted to try some on the ice cream and it was a yes. He wanted 3 scoops and all 3 flavors. So I added just a spoonful on each scoop in the bowel. He liked the passion fruit one the best out of the 3. These are good size to try before buying the big ones. My family loved them and so did I. Yesterday was a good day for testing this out . I recommend this syrups.


Update: we tried many different kind of there syrups and they was all pretty dang good.


What do you think?

Written by Month Of June