Plaastic Canvas Big Style Hand_Bags or Purses-Need Straps or Not

The first one I made into a diaper bag. I even put the words on it. What do you think? A few of them have straps, but should all of them have straps?

I have been enjoying designing plastic canvas bags or purses. If you have any ideas please let me know. I want the craft fair to be a success.

Plastic Canvas Owl Hand_Bag or Purse

I found an owl pendant at Hobby Lobby. I think it makes this bag look great.

Plastic Canvas PeacokHand_ Bag or Purse

The peacock on this bag is actually a necklace. I have not wore it for years aand thought it might look good on one of my bags. What do you think?  The necklace makes for a handle.


What do you think?

Written by LaJenna