<a href="http://windsorfire.ca/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
A fire that occurred in the city of Windsor Connecticut on Saturday ended with a home totally destroyed after nearly one hour.
However there was no deaths that happened to a passerby who risked his life to get inside the burning home to rescue the wife of the husband who managed to leave the home at the time of the fire according to Windsor Fire Department Chief Bill Lewis.
The cause of the fire is being investigated by the authorities on the root cause that destroyed the home in Windsor Connecticut.
The only casualties of the fire that destroyed the home were one police officer and one fireman who were taken to the hospital to be treated for smoke inhalation and they released after they were cleared to go back to work once again.
What makes this story so interesting was that a stranger who just happened to be in the neighborhood where the fire occurred risked his life to get the woman who was stuck inside the burning home while the husband managed to get out in time.
Even though firefighters have always told people never to enter a home when it is on fire since the firefighters are trained to handle these types of disasters, they will give a person a pass if the firefighters are not in the area at the time of the disaster to play the role of a hero trying to assist the authorities in saving lives.
The house fire was so huge that the Windsor Fire Department had the assistance of the Windsor Lock Fire Department to battle the flames of the house that became a pile of rubble after the fire was put out..
Even though the couple lost their home due to a huge fire, they can rebuild the home that they lost since they did not lose their lives in the disaster.
Always happy to hear that there are still people who are brave and sincere to save others at risk that endanger their own lives.
Bravery according to one former Vietnam Veteran who is now a motivational speaker is taking action when you are scared to do the right thing.
Exactly! That’s also what I say to people who experience fear, though not easy to implement.
That is true since the old saying that goes “Easier said than done”
But I’m sure you can do it!
Yes material things can be replaced. Thank goodness they are safe.
That was one of my doctors told me when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans and wrecked his home that as long as he and his relatives were safe, that what is really mattered.
Absolutely. I lived in New Orleans for awhile and remember how easily it flooded.
You are welcome MommyofEli2013. It was my pleasure to share these good news stories that the national media does not cannot cover.
Thank you for sharing this story.