
One Way Love – Part 6

So here I am, standing on the back veranda of a hotel I often frequent.  I am looking out to sea, while Fiona, one of the people I like the least is babbling.

Coming from that sea like some fabulous fantasy, was Daniel!

With Fiona’s voice lost in ether, I saw only Daniel. Saw him coming closer. Closer. Coming to me! To Me!

I smiled brilliantly, expecting him to return my expression. But he just keep approaching. When he was right there in front of me, he leaned over and kissed Fiona on the mouth.

I stood there  shocked, Daniel was so close if I went to smooth my hair, my elbow would touch him.

And he was kissing Fiona.

She said something to him I didn’t understand, then;  “Danny, this is Gail, we work together, she’s in charge of…”

He met eyes a second, turned back to her, said he was hungry. Then, as easy as I say it, put his hand on the rail, and flung himself over as easy and graceful as a ballet dancer.

Before I could arrange reality in my mind, I heard Fiona’s voice;  “You’ll join us?” she said to me.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar