
Oliver's Odyssey – 56

It was beyond surreal.  Oliver had no idea what was happening.  How could he go from the beloved husband and father to the despised convict in one straight line?

He tried to uncover a clue, but couldn’t.  It was as if Wendy and his children were under some evil spell.

Nothing made sense.  

Oliver was certain he had never brutalised Wendy.  Sure, a few slaps, and punches, maybe kick here and there, but she provoked him.   Didn’t the Court understand provocation?

And to sentence him to Prison?  For three months Oliver would be in prison.  He, a decent gentleman, a High School teacher, would be incarcerated with scum.

Could he survive this?

He entered the facility and somehow he was able to get a ‘job’ teaching other inmates. His sentence was not as bad as it could have been.  

This is because some of the warders felt sorry for him.   After all, some judges didn’t know that women needed to be disciplined.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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