
I Did Not Want to Begin the New Year Frustrated…..

I really didn’t want to begin the new year frustrated. I had tried to be prepared so it would not happen. But here it is 6:03 am and I am frustrated.

My brother came down and asked why I didn’t watch fireworks with him. I am sick and can’t be around him and he never mentioned fireworks.

I am sorry we are out of eggs. There were two dozen yesterday. I had no idea someone was planning to make deviled eggs in the middle of the night.

The neighbor called to let me know one of her cows was in my yard. She asked if I could load it up and bring it back down. “I am sorry, I am working today and I won’t be off until 5:00 pm.”  She said “Thanks for nothing” and hung up on me.

The logical thing to do would be to simply go back to bed and start the day over, but I have to work so that can’t happen.

Happy Freakin’ New Year!


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter