
No One is Perfect

Children need to learn how to lose. It is a really an important lesson to learn, because they will eventually lose. They will be wrong. They will need to learn to adjust and start over. That is what this quote is teaching me.  Lots of parents make the mistake of making certain that the child always wins the family games.  When they never have lost, it becomes a problem when it finally happens.

So teach your children to be gracious winner and losers. Life is the process of progression. You either go forward or backward, you can’t stand still.


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. if kids aren’t taught the right things in life it effects their adult life later on
    & it just goes from there it’s not all about winning but about HOW to get
    through life the RIGHT way & to be the best they can be in everything they do,

  2. That is an excellent idea that if all of us won every contest in sports, our lives would be empty. Losing makes us better persons in the long run. It is too bad that anyone who loses a sports contest is called a “choker.” That is not fair.
