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Nature covered in frost

Landscape and plants covered in frost were always one of the most beautiful things in winter time. When you look at this artwork, it’s incredible how many ice crystals surround one tiny little plant. As you all know, this is a phenomena in a very cold climate and a day of mist just before the frost materializes. As the day doesn’t get any warmer and the temperatures are -4, -5 degrees, the water that froze, doesn’t melt.

The photos are beautiful, but I hope they don’t make you cold. So look at them somewhere warm. Hope you’ll like them.

The nature has a lot of work with pine trees. Every needle was a part of the decorating. Imagine how many needles does the pine tree have and how many crystals there are on one tree. Does anyone want to count  them? Not me. 😀 

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Written by Vida Vicky Ficko